How to Get (and Keep) a High Performance Team


Hey, what really is a high performance team – and how do I get one?

If you’ve watched any of my other episodes you’ll see that I’m always talking about a high performance team.  Well, what exactly is a high performance team.  And how do you get or more likely, develop one.  And then once you have it, how do you keep it.

Well, let’s start with why you would want a high performance team in the first place, after all, isn’t a solid performance team good enough?

Well, sure it is – but if you want to drive growth for your business, high performance is the way to go.  A high performance team enhances the effectiveness and success of your business.  Because they’re highly efficient, and can produce more output in less time compared to standard teams.

And they do it by creating a space where creativity and innovation are encouraged.  You see, usually high performing teams have diverse skills and perspective, so they can contribute novel ideas to help create surprising solutions.  That quality also really comes in handy when a complex problem comes up.

And last, but not least, you get better risk management.  You see, a high performance team can better identify potential risks.  Again, this goes back to their diverse perspectives (they aren’t all looking at the same thing, with the same eyes).  They usually have strong analytical and strategic thinking skills – so they don’t just look at the near term, they can envision the mid and long term, and potential problems that might come up; and they have a continuous improvement mindset.  In a phrase, they’re always looking for ways to improve, and ways to avoid or mitigate risks.

And they take a systematic approach – so no shooting from the hip here.  They’re going to assess, and figure out which tools, approach and methods might be best.  Yep, a high performance team is kind of like having your own set of Avengers.

So now you know why you want one, let’s look at what they actually are – what are the key features of a high performance team?

Well, they’ll have well defined goals and objectives (yep, that points back to you); and each member of the team clearly understands and is on board with the goals.  This type of clarity turns out to be really helpful in decision making and action taking.

They have high levels of open and effective communication.  Team members are comfortable sharing ideas, concerns and feedback.  Without being concerned about blow back or retaliation.  And by the way – that doesn’t mean they just say anything that drops from their brain and rolls off their tongue like a gumball machine.  No, they are still thoughtful, and concerned about communicating in an effective and empathetic way.

And that brings us to the next trait – mutual trust and respect.  Trust if foundation to a high performance team.  They have to trust in one another’s abilities and intentions.  And there has to be mutual respect for the diverse skills and perspectives that each member brings to the party.

… You see, a high performance team can better identify potential risks….. In a phrase, they’re always looking for ways to improve, and ways to avoid or mitigate risks.

Now generally, they will have complementary skills.  After all, which is better, a football team with all quarterbacks but no one to catch, or a team with players for all positions (OK – the folks who know me are saying right about now – What?  She’s using a sports simile?!)  Why yes I am – don’t be a hater.

Anyway – obviously a team with someone for each position is stronger and more effective.  Well rounded, complementary skills – that’s the way to go.

And finally, accountability.  A truly high performance team is one where each member takes responsibility for their contributions.  They own their tasks and their outcomes.  No ducking, finger pointing, excuses or complaining.  Nope – a high performance team not only shows individual accountability – but you’ll find that the team actually will hold one another to account.  After all, most times if you don’t do your part, I can’t do my part because it depends on you doing your part.

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Ok- we can all agree that a high performance team is a wonderful thing to have.  But how do you get it and how do you keep it.

Well, as leaders – I’m afraid all roads point back to us.

We have to first set the proper expectations during the hiring process – and take the time to actually find the right people vs. hiring out of scarcity or fear.   Understand what your standards are, and then – stick to them.  1 right person is 100 times better than 10 almost right people.

Next – we have to set the example.  High performance team members, and non high performance team members for that matter – will model themselves by their leadership.  When you show strong, fair, decisive leadership; when you have a clear vision of where you want to go; when you show confidence in the contribution your team can make to get you there – that type of leadership makes a real difference.

Superstars just won’t follow weak leadership.  So, make sure you are showing the high performance traits you want in your team.  Have a continuous learning mindset, practice effective communication, show trust and respect.  When you model it – they will come.

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